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59 lines (53 loc) · 1.66 KB

File metadata and controls

59 lines (53 loc) · 1.66 KB


An online tool for converting SVG files into polygons that can be rendered on a Bangle.js.


  • All basic shapes (rect, circle, polyline, path, etc)
  • Fill colors
  • Stroke colors
  • <use> elements

Not supported:

  • Paths with holes
  • Stroke widths other than 1 pixel
  • Viewport clipping
  • Anything even remotely fancy


Use the online tool here.


The following function can be used on the smartwatch to render the output of the converter:

// Draw an image composed of coloured polygons
// polys - A list of objects representing polygons, of the form
//   [
//     {
//       optional fill : "#012345",
//       optional stroke : "#012345",
//       points : [x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,...],
//     },
//     ...
//   ]
// x - The X offset to draw the image
// y - The Y offset to draw the image
// options - an object of the form
//   {
//     rotate : 0, // amount to rotate image in radians
//     scale : 1,  // factor by which scale image
//     graphics : Graphics // the graphics object to use
//   }
function drawPolyImage(polys, x, y, options) {
  const o = options || {};
  const g = || global.g;
  const a = o.rotate || 0;
  const s = o.scale != null ? o.scale : 1;
  const ca = Math.cos(a), sa = Math.sin(a);
  for (let p of polys) {
    const pts = [];
    for (var i = 0; i &lt; p.points.length; i += 2) {
      pts.push(p.points[i]*ca*s - p.points[i+1]*sa*s + x);
      pts.push(p.points[i+1]*ca*s + p.points[i]*sa*s + y);
    if (p.fill) g.setColor(p.fill).fillPoly(pts);
    if (p.stroke) g.setColor(p.stroke).drawPoly(pts);