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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save randunel/8983226 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
These tests are limited to espruino's implementation of JS, i.e. they do not test non-implemented features, such as Number(string) casts and other.
// From V8 and SpiderMonkey
function shouldBe(item, value) {
if (eval(item) !== eval(value)) {
console.log('ERROR:', item, 'should be', value, 'but found', '' + eval(item));
function shouldBeUndefined(item) {
if (eval(item) !== undefined) {
console.log('ERROR:', item, 'should be undefined but found', '' + eval(item));
function shouldBeTrue(item) {
if (eval(item) !== true) {
console.log('ERROR:', item, 'should be true but found', '' + eval(item));
function shouldBeFalse(item) {
if (eval(item) !== false) {
console.log('ERROR:', item, 'should be false but found', '' + eval(item));
function shouldBeOfType(msg, val, type) {
if (typeof(val) !== type)
console.log('ERROR:', msg + ": value has type " + typeof(val) + " , not:" + type);
function shouldBeVal(msg, val, expected) {
if (val !== expected)
console.log('ERROR:', msg + ": value is " + val + " , not:" + expected);
shouldBe("Array().length", "0");
shouldBe("(new Array()).length", "0");
shouldBe("(new Array(3)).length", "3");
shouldBe("(new Array(11, 22)).length", "2");
shouldBe("(new Array(11, 22))[0]", "11");
shouldBe("Array(11, 22)[1]", "22");
shouldBeUndefined("(new Array(11, 22))[3]");
shouldBe("String(new Array(11, 22))", "'11,22'");
shouldBe("var a = []; a[0] = 33; a[0]", "33");
shouldBe("var a = []; a[0] = 33; a.length", "1");
shouldBe("Array().toString()", "''");
shouldBe("Array(3).toString()", "',,'");
shouldBe("Array(11, 22).toString()", "'11,22'");
shouldBe("[1,2,3,4].slice(1, 3).toString()", "'2,3'");
shouldBe("[1,2,3,4].slice(-3, -1).toString()", "'2,3'");
shouldBe("[1,2].slice(-9, 0).length", "0");
shouldBe("[1,2].slice(1).toString()", "'2'");
shouldBe("[1,2].slice().toString()", "'1,2'");
shouldBe("(new Array('a')).length", "1");
shouldBe("(new Array('a'))[0]", "'a'");
shouldBeUndefined("(new Array('a'))[1]");
shouldBe("Array('a').length", "1");
shouldBe("Array('a')[0]", "'a'");
shouldBe("String(Array())", "''");
shouldBe("String(Array('a','b'))", "'a,b'");
shouldBe("[].length", "0");
shouldBe("['a'].length", "1");
shouldBe("['a'][0]", "'a'");
shouldBe("['a',undefined,'c'][1]", "undefined");
shouldBe("1 in ['a',undefined,'c']", "true");
var arrayWithDeletion = ['a','b','c'];
delete arrayWithDeletion[1];
shouldBe("1 in arrayWithDeletion", "false");
function forInSum(_a) {
var s = '';
for (var i in _a)
s += _a[i];
return s;
shouldBe("forInSum([])", "''");
shouldBe("forInSum(Array())", "''");
shouldBe("forInSum(Array('a'))", "'a'");
var a0 = [];
shouldBe("forInSum(a0)", "''");
var a1 = [ 'a' ];
shouldBe("forInSum(a1)", "'a'");
shouldBe("String(['a', 'b', 'c'].splice(1, 2, 'x', 'y'))", "'b,c'");
var arr = new Array('a','b','c');
var propnames = [];
for (var i in arr)
var h = "a\xefc";
var u = "a\u1234c";
var z = "\x00";
shouldBe("h.charCodeAt(1)", "239");
shouldBe("u.charCodeAt(1)", "4660");
// all should return NaN because 1st char is non-number
shouldBe('isNaN(parseInt("Hello", 8))', "true");
shouldBe('isNaN(parseInt("FFF", 10))', "true");
shouldBe('isNaN(parseInt(".5", 10))', "true");
shouldBeTrue("isNaN(parseInt(' '))");
shouldBe("parseInt(1)", "1");
shouldBe("parseInt(1234567890123456)", "1234567890123456");
shouldBe("parseInt(1.2)", "1");
shouldBe("parseInt(' 2.3')", "2");
shouldBe("parseInt('0x10')", "16");
shouldBe("parseInt('11', 0)", "11");
shouldBe("parseInt('F', 16)", "15");
shouldBeTrue("isNaN(parseInt('10', 40))");
shouldBe("parseInt('3x')", "3");
shouldBe("parseInt('3 x')", "3");
// all should return 15
shouldBe('parseInt("15")', "15");
shouldBe('parseInt("015")', "15"); // ES5 prohibits parseInt from handling octal, see annex E.
shouldBe('parseInt("0xf")', "15");
shouldBe('parseInt("15", 0)', "15");
shouldBe('parseInt("15", 10)', "15");
shouldBe('parseInt("F", 16)', "15");
shouldBe('parseInt("17", 8)', "15");
shouldBe('parseInt("15.99", 10)', "15");
shouldBe('parseInt("FXX123", 16)', "15");
shouldBe('parseInt("1111", 2)', "15");
shouldBe('parseInt("15*3", 10)', "15");
// this should be 0
shouldBe('parseInt("0x7", 10)', "0");
shouldBe('parseInt("1x7", 10)', "1");
shouldBeTrue("isNaN(parseFloat(' '))");
shouldBe("parseFloat(1)", "1");
shouldBe("parseFloat(' 2.3')", "2.3");
shouldBe("parseFloat('3.1 x', 3)", "3.1");
shouldBe("parseFloat('3.1x', 3)", "3.1");
shouldBeFalse("delete NaN");
shouldBeFalse("delete Infinity");
shouldBeFalse("delete undefined");
shouldBe("isNaN(Number('a'))", "true");
shouldBe("isNaN(new Number('a'))", "true");
shouldBe("isNaN(Number.NaN)", "true");
shouldBe("Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY", "-Infinity");
shouldBe("Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY", "Infinity");
shouldBe("(1).toString()", "'1'");
shouldBe("typeof (1).toString()", "'string'");
shouldBe("(10).toString(16)", "'a'");
shouldBe("(8.5).toString(16)", "'8.8'");
shouldBe("(-8.5).toString(16)", "'-8.8'");
shouldBe("Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY.toString(16)", "'Infinity'");
shouldBe("Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.toString(16)", "'-Infinity'");
shouldBe("Number.MAX_VALUE.toString(2).length", "23");
shouldBe("typeof 1", "'number'");
shouldBe("typeof (new Object())", "'object'");
shouldBe("var o = new Object(); o.x = 11; o.x;", "11");
shouldBe("typeof (new Object())", "'object'");
shouldBe("String(new Object())", "'[object Object]'");
shouldBe("(new Object()).toString()", "'[object Object]'");
function Square(x) {
this.x = x;
new Square(0); // create prototype
function Square_area() { return this.x * this.x; }
Square.prototype.area = Square_area;
var s = new Square(3);
shouldBe("s.area()", "9");
function Item(name) { = name;
function Book(name, author){
this.base = Item; // set Item constructor as method of Book object
this.base(name); // set the value of name property = author;
Book.prototype = new Item();
var b = new Book("a book", "Fred"); // create object instance
shouldBe("", "'a book'");
shouldBe("", "'Fred'"); // outpus "Fred"
shouldBe("delete Array.prototype", "false");
shouldBe("var i = 1; i", "1");
shouldBe("j = k = 2", "2");
shouldBeUndefined("var i; i");
// compound assignments
shouldBe("var i = 1; i <<= 2", "4");
shouldBe("var i = 8; i >>= 1", "4");
shouldBe("var i = 1; i >>= 2", "0");
shouldBe("var i = -8; i >>= 24", "-1");
shouldBe("var i = 8; i >>>= 2", "2");
shouldBe("var i = -8; i >>>= 24", "255");
var i = 1;
function foo() {
i = 2;
i = 3;
shouldBe("foo(), i", "2");
// value completions take precedence
var val = eval("11; { }");
shouldBe("val", "11");
val = eval("12; ;");
shouldBe("val", "12");
val = eval("13; if(false);");
shouldBe("val", "13");
val = eval("14; function f() {}");
shouldBe("val", "14");
val = eval("15; var v = 0");
shouldBe("val", "15");
shouldBe("true ? 1 : 2", "1");
shouldBe("false ? 1 : 2", "2");
shouldBe("'abc' ? 1 : 2", "1");
shouldBe("null ? 1 : 2", "2");
shouldBe("undefined ? 1 : 2", "2");
var asd = 1;
if ( undefined )
asd = 2;
shouldBe("/*var asd=1;if (undefined) asd = 2;*/ asd", "1");
shouldBe("a = 1; delete a;", "true");
shouldBe("delete nonexistant;", "true");
shouldBe("delete NaN", "false");
f = "global";
function test() {
shouldBeOfType("Function declaration takes effect at entry", f, "function");
for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (i == 0)
shouldBeOfType("Decl not yet overwritten", f, 'function');
shouldBeOfType("Decl already overwritten", f, 'number');
f = 3;
shouldBeVal("After assign ("+i+")", f, 3);
function f() {};
shouldBeVal("function decls have no execution content", f, 3);
f = 5;
shouldBeVal("After assign #2 ("+i+")", f, 5);
var count = 0;
do {
} while (count < 10);
shouldBe("count", "10");
count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (i == 5)
shouldBe("count", "5");
count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
shouldBe("count", "10");
obj = new Object();
obj.a = 11;
obj.b = 22;
properties = "";
for ( prop in obj ) {
properties += (prop + "=" + obj[prop] + ";");
shouldBe("properties", "'a=11;b=22;'");
obj.y = 33;
obj.x = 44;
properties = "";
for ( prop in obj )
properties += prop;
arr = new Array;
arr[0] = 100;
arr[1] = 101;
list = "";
for ( var j in arr ) {
list += "[" + j + "]=" + arr[j] + ";";
list = "";
for (var a = [1,2,3], length = a.length, i = 0; i < length; i++) {
list += a[i];
shouldBe("list", "'123'");
var negativeZero = Math.atan2(-1, Infinity); // ### any nicer way?
function isNegativeZero(n) {
return n == 0 && 1 / n < 0;
// self tests
// Constants
shouldBe("String()+Math.E", "'2.718281828459045'");
shouldBe("String()+Math.LN2", "'0.6931471805599453'");
shouldBe("String()+Math.LN10", "'2.302585092994046'");
shouldBe("String()+Math.LOG2E", "'1.4426950408889634'");
shouldBe("String()+Math.LOG10E", "'0.4342944819032518'");
shouldBe("String()+Math.PI", "'3.141592653589793'");
shouldBe("String()+Math.SQRT1_2", "'0.7071067811865476'");
shouldBe("String()+Math.SQRT2", "'1.4142135623730951'");
shouldBe("String()+Number.NaN", "'NaN'");
shouldBe("String()+Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY", "'-Infinity'");
shouldBe("String()+Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY", "'Infinity'");
shouldBe("Math.abs(-5)", "5");
shouldBe("Math.acos(0)", "Math.PI/2");
shouldBe("Math.acos(1)", "0");
shouldBe("Math.ceil(1.1)", "2");
shouldBe("String()+Math.sqrt(2)", "String()+Math.SQRT2");
shouldBe("Math.ceil(1.6)", "2");
shouldBe("Math.round(0)", "0");
shouldBe("Math.round(0.2)", "0");
shouldBe("Math.round(1.1)", "1");
shouldBe("Math.round(1.6)", "2");
shouldBe("Math.round(-3.5)", "-3");
shouldBe("Math.round(-3.6)", "-4");
shouldBe("Math.round(-Infinity)", "-Infinity");
shouldBe("Math.round(Infinity)", "Infinity");
shouldBe("Math.round(99999999999999999999.99)", "100000000000000000000");
shouldBe("Math.round(-99999999999999999999.99)", "-100000000000000000000");
shouldBe("Math.log(Math.E*Math.E)", "2");
shouldBe("Math.log(1)", "0");
var obj = {};
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
for ( var i in obj ) { list += i + ','; }
for ( var i in Math ) { list += i + ','; }
Math.myprop=true; // adding a custom property to the math object (why not?)
for ( var i in Math ) { list += i + ','; }
// unary plus
shouldBe("+9", "9");
shouldBe("var i = 10; +i", "10");
// negation
shouldBe("-11", "-11");
shouldBe("var i = 12; -i", "-12");
// increment
shouldBe("var i = 0; ++i;", "1");
shouldBe("var i = 0; ++i; i", "1");
shouldBe("var i = 0; i++;", "0");
shouldBe("var i = 0; i++; i", "1");
shouldBe("var i = true; i++", "1");
shouldBe("var i = true; i++; i", "2");
// decrement
shouldBe("var i = 0; --i;", "-1");
shouldBe("var i = 0; --i; i", "-1");
shouldBe("var i = 0; i--;", "0");
shouldBe("var i = 0; i--; i", "-1");
shouldBe("var i = true; i--", "1");
shouldBe("var i = true; i--; i", "0");
var one = 1;
var two = 2;
var twentyFour = 24;
shouldBe("1 << two", "4");
shouldBe("8 >> one", "4");
shouldBe("1 >> two", "0");
shouldBe("-8 >> twentyFour", "-1");
shouldBe("8 >>> two", "2");
shouldBe("-8 >>> twentyFour", "255");
shouldBe("(-2200000000 >> one) << one", "2094967296");
shouldBe("Infinity >> one", "0");
shouldBe("Infinity << one", "0");
shouldBe("Infinity >>> one", "0");
shouldBe("NaN >> one", "0");
shouldBe("NaN << one", "0");
shouldBe("NaN >>> one", "0");
shouldBe("888.1 >> one", "444");
shouldBe("888.1 << one", "1776");
shouldBe("888.1 >>> one", "444");
shouldBe("888.9 >> one", "444");
shouldBe("888.9 << one", "1776");
shouldBe("888.9 >>> one", "444");
shouldBe("Math.pow(2, 32) >> one", "0");
shouldBe("Math.pow(2, 32) << one", "0");
shouldBe("Math.pow(2, 32) >>> one", "0");
// addition
shouldBe("1+2", "3");
shouldBe("'a'+'b'", "'ab'");
shouldBe("'a'+2", "'a2'");
shouldBe("'2'+'-1'", "'2-1'");
shouldBe("true+'a'", "'truea'");
shouldBe("'a' + null", "'anull'");
shouldBe("true+1", "2");
shouldBe("false+null", "0");
// substraction
shouldBe("1-3", "-2");
shouldBe("isNaN('a'-3)", "true");
shouldBe("'3'-'-1'", "4");
shouldBe("'4'-2", "2");
shouldBe("true-false", "1");
shouldBe("false-1", "-1");
shouldBe("null-true", "-1");
// multiplication
shouldBe("2 * 3", "6");
shouldBe("true * 3", "3");
shouldBe("2 * '3'", "6");
// division
shouldBe("6 / 4", "1.5");
//shouldBe("true / false", "Inf");
shouldBe("'6' / '2'", "3");
shouldBeTrue("isNaN('x' / 1)");
shouldBeTrue("isNaN(1 / NaN)");
shouldBeTrue("isNaN(Infinity / Infinity)");
shouldBe("Infinity / 0", "Infinity");
shouldBe("-Infinity / 0", "-Infinity");
shouldBe("Infinity / 1", "Infinity");
shouldBe("-Infinity / 1", "-Infinity");
shouldBeTrue("1 / Infinity == +0");
shouldBeTrue("1 / -Infinity == -0"); // how to check ?
shouldBeTrue("0 / 1 === 0");
shouldBeTrue("0 / -1 === -0"); // how to check ?
shouldBe("1 / 0", "Infinity");
shouldBe("-1 / 0", "-Infinity");
// modulo
shouldBe("6 % 4", "2");
shouldBe("'-6' % 4", "-2");
shouldBe("2==2", "true");
shouldBe("1==2", "false");
shouldBe("1<2", "true");
shouldBe("1<=2", "true");
shouldBe("2<1", "false");
shouldBe("2<=1", "false");
shouldBe("2>1", "true");
shouldBe("2>=1", "true");
shouldBe("1>=2", "false");
shouldBe("1>2", "false");
shouldBeTrue("'abc' == 'abc'");
shouldBeTrue("'abc' != 'xyz'");
shouldBeTrue("true == true");
shouldBeTrue("false == false");
shouldBeTrue("true != false");
shouldBeTrue("'a' != null");
shouldBeTrue("'a' != undefined");
shouldBeTrue("null == null");
shouldBeTrue("null == undefined");
shouldBeTrue("undefined == undefined");
shouldBeTrue("NaN != NaN");
shouldBeTrue("true != undefined");
shouldBeTrue("true != null");
shouldBeTrue("false != undefined");
shouldBeTrue("false != null");
shouldBeTrue("'0' == 0");
shouldBeTrue("1 == '1'");
shouldBeTrue("NaN != NaN");
shouldBeTrue("NaN != 0");
shouldBeTrue("NaN != undefined");
shouldBeTrue("true == 1");
shouldBeTrue("true != 2");
shouldBeTrue("1 == true");
shouldBeTrue("false == 0");
shouldBeTrue("0 == false");
shouldBe("'abc' < 'abx'", "true");
shouldBe("'abc' < 'abcd'", "true");
shouldBe("'abc' < 'abc'", "false");
shouldBe("'abcd' < 'abcd'", "false");
shouldBe("'abx' < 'abc'", "false");
shouldBe("'abc' <= 'abc'", "true");
shouldBe("'abc' <= 'abx'", "true");
shouldBe("'abx' <= 'abc'", "false");
shouldBe("'abcd' <= 'abc'", "false");
shouldBe("'abc' <= 'abcd'", "true");
shouldBe("'abc' > 'abx'", "false");
shouldBe("'abc' > 'abc'", "false");
shouldBe("'abcd' > 'abc'", "true");
shouldBe("'abx' > 'abc'", "true");
shouldBe("'abc' > 'abcd'", "false");
shouldBe("'abc' >= 'abc'", "true");
shouldBe("'abcd' >= 'abc'", "true");
shouldBe("'abx' >= 'abc'", "true");
shouldBe("'abc' >= 'abx'", "false");
shouldBe("'abc' >= 'abx'", "false");
shouldBe("'abc' >= 'abcd'", "false");
shouldBeFalse("'abc' <= 0"); // #35246
shouldBeTrue("'' <= 0");
shouldBeTrue("' ' <= 0");
shouldBeTrue("null <= 0");
shouldBeFalse("0 <= 'abc'");
shouldBeTrue("0 <= ''");
shouldBeTrue("0 <= null");
shouldBeTrue("null <= null");
shouldBeTrue("6 < '52'");
shouldBeTrue("6 < '72'"); // #36087
shouldBeFalse("NaN < 0");
shouldBeFalse("NaN <= 0");
shouldBeFalse("NaN > 0");
shouldBeFalse("NaN >= 0");
// strict comparison ===
shouldBeFalse("0 === false");
shouldBeTrue("null === null");
shouldBeFalse("NaN === NaN");
shouldBeTrue("0.0 === 0");
shouldBeTrue("'abc' === 'abc'");
shouldBeFalse("'a' === 'x'");
shouldBeFalse("1 === '1'");
shouldBeFalse("'1' === 1");
shouldBeTrue("true === true");
shouldBeTrue("false === false");
shouldBeFalse("true === false");
shouldBeTrue("Math === Math");
shouldBeFalse("Math === Boolean");
shouldBeTrue("Infinity === Infinity");
shouldBe("0 !== 0", "false");
shouldBe("0 !== 1", "true");
shouldBe("typeof undefined", "'undefined'");
shouldBe("typeof null", "'object'");
shouldBe("typeof true", "'boolean'");
shouldBe("typeof false", "'boolean'");
shouldBe("typeof 1", "'number'");
shouldBe("typeof 'a'", "'string'");
shouldBe("typeof shouldBe", "'function'");
shouldBe("typeof Number.NaN", "'number'");
shouldBe("11 && 22", "22");
shouldBe("null && true", "null");
shouldBe("11 || 22", "11");
shouldBe("null || 'a'", "'a'");
shouldBeUndefined("void 1");
shouldBeTrue("1 in [1, 2]");
shouldBeFalse("3 in [1, 2]");
shouldBeTrue("'a' in { a:1, b:2 }");
// Make sure that for ... in reevaluates the scoping every time!
var P = { foo : 1, bar : 2, baz : 3 };
function testForIn() {
for (g in P) {
eval("var g;"); //Change the scope of g half-ways through the loop
shouldBe("g", "'foo'"); //Before the eval, g was in outer scope, but not after!
function testSwitch(v) {
var result = "";
switch (v) {
case 0: result += 'a';
case 1: result += 'b';
case 1: result += 'c';
case 2: result += 'd'; break;
return result;
shouldBe("testSwitch(0)", "'abcd'");
shouldBe("testSwitch(1)", "'bcd'"); // IE agrees, NS disagrees
shouldBe("testSwitch(2)", "'d'");
shouldBe("testSwitch(false)", "''");
function testSwitch4(v) {
var result = "";
switch (v) {
case 0: result += 'a'; result += 'b'; break;
return result;
shouldBe("testSwitch4(0)", "'ab'");
var myvar = 1;
function varInFunction() {
return (myvar == undefined);
var myvar = 2;
function varInVarList() {
return (myvar == undefined);
var a = 1, b = 0, myvar = 2;
function varListOrder() {
var tmp = 0;
var i = ++tmp, j = ++tmp;
return j == 2;
function varInBlock() {
return (myvar == undefined);
var myvar = 2;
function varInIf() {
return (myvar == undefined);
if (false)
var myvar = 2;
function varInElse() {
return (myvar == undefined);
if (true) {
var myvar = 2;
function varInDoWhile() {
return (myvar == undefined);
var myvar = 2;
while (false);
function varInWhile() {
return (myvar == undefined);
while (false)
var myvar = 2;
function varInFor() {
return (myvar == undefined);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < 0; i++)
var myvar = 2;
function varInForInitExpr() {
return (myvar == undefined);
for (var myvar = 2; i < 2; i++) {
function varInWith() {
return (myvar == undefined);
with (String)
var myvar = 2;
function varInCase() {
return (myvar == undefined);
switch (1) {
case 0: var myvar = 2;
case 1:
if (!varGlobal)
var varGlobal = 1;
shouldBe("varGlobal", "1");
var overrideVar = 1;
var overrideVar;
shouldBe("overrideVar", "1");
var overrideVar2 = 1;
var overrideVar2 = 2;
shouldBe("overrideVar2", "2");
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