// Captive Portal - extending: // https://gist.github.com/MaBecker/ae9dade26b44524e076ca19f5fd72fab // Added form and post back to join network var http = require('http'); var wifi = require('Wifi'); var dgram = require('dgram'); var dns_srv = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); var SSID = 'CaptivePortalTest'; var authMode = 'open'; var password = null; var portHTTP = 80; var portDNS = 53; var dnsIPStr = ''; var dnsIP = dnsIPStr.split('.').map(n => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(n, 10))).join(''); var page = 'building...'; // get Query name out of message // offset = 12 // end \x00 function dnsQname(msg) { var i = 12; var qname = ''; while ( msg[i] !== '\x00' ) { qname += msg[i]; i++; } console.log({qname:qname}); return qname + '\x00'; } /* 1. line header 2. line query 3. line resource */ function dnsResponse(msg,dns_ip){ return msg[0]+msg[1] + '\x81\x80'+'\x00\x01'+'\x00\x01'+'\x00\x00\x00\x00' + dnsQname(msg) + '\x00\x01' + '\x00\x01' + '\xc0\x0c'+'\x00\x01'+'\x00\x01'+'\x00\x00\x00\xf9'+'\x00\x04' + dns_ip ; } function startDNSServer(port){ dns_srv .on('error', (err) => { dns_srv.close(); }); dns_srv.on('message', (msg, info) => { // we only serve ip4 if ( msg[msg.length-3] === '\x01') { dns_srv .send(dnsResponse(msg,dnsIP),info.port,info.address); } }); dns_srv.bind(port); } // start http server function startHttpServer(port){ var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) { accept = req.headers.Accept || ''; var a = url.parse(req.url, true); console.log( { accept:accept,a :a } ); if (a.pathname=="/connect") { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); console.log(a.query); wifi.connect(a.query.ssid,{password:a.query.pwd},function(){ console.log("Connected to access point, ",wifi.getIP()); //wifi.save(); // If connect fails - this will not happen... need to handle errors res.end(`connected to ${wifi.getIP().ip}`); }); res.write("Connecting....\n"); } else if (accept !== '*\/*' || a.page === '/hotspot-detect.html' ) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); res.end(page); } else { // redirect to the Setup page res.writeHead(302, {'Location': '', 'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end(); } }); server.listen(port); } // start being a access point function startAccessPoint(ssid,authMode, password){ wifi.startAP(ssid,{"authMode" : authMode,"password" : password}); } // stop beeing connected to a access point function disconnectStation(){ wifi.disconnect(); } var scan=[]; function start(){ disconnectStation(); startAccessPoint('CaptivePortalTest','open',null); startHttpServer(80); startDNSServer(53); } wifi.scan(function(s){scan=s; scan.map( ap => console.log( ap.ssid ) ); style=` `; page=` WiFi

Captive Hotspot

`; }); setTimeout(start,1000);