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noanim bootloader version

There are two bootloader versions for DS-D6 found in the field. One with moving arrows when doing the update and one with static image. First it was not clear which one is newer/better but now it is clear the one with moving arrows is unstable (mainly over serial), so it is preferred to get the one with no animation to have stable DFU update procedure. Looks like the animation is too heavy so sometimes the update breaks in the middle with timeout or cause some unexpected delays. It is still possible to retry so you probably cannot brick your device with this booloader, it is just annoying. flasher

This is python bluetooth DFU flasher for linux. It works by scripting gatttool command from bluez so no python bluetooth library is used. It needs pexpect package to be installed via pip. It is written in Python 2.

Original project

I have added support for Desay bootloader, some recovery retry code, ability to flash also bootloader and softdevice combinations and ability to switch to bootloader from stock DS-D6 app, espruino and micropython. Also multiple sources are joined into single file. Will add proper fork later and link it here.


sudo ./ -a D2:72:54:EA:16:1E -z 


In order to have all dependencies in one place, a docker image can be built via

docker build -f desay_dfu.Dockerfile -t desaydfu .

The script can then be invoked via

docker run --rm -it --device=/dev/bus --net=host -v ${PWD}/:/fw/ desaydfu -help

This mounts the current directory to /fw/ in the container, redirects host devices to the container (required for accessing bluetooth without root) and deletes the container once finished.

Flashing would look like this (from a folder which contains an where your MAC is A0:B1:C3:D4:E5:F6)

docker run --rm -it --device=/dev/bus --net=host -v ${PWD}/:/fw/ desaydfu -a A0:B1:C3:D4:E5:F6 -z /fw/

The tools in the container can also be used to perform a scan, e.g. by

docker run --rm -it --device=/dev/bus --net=host --entrypoint=/bin/bash desaydfu
root@host:/app# hcitool lescan
LE Scan ...
A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6 (unknown)

firmware dumps

ds-d6 bin firmware was dumped via gdb over SWD as seen below (using bluepill board flashed with blackmagic probe firmware).

(gdb) info mem
Using memory regions provided by the target.
Num Enb Low Addr   High Addr  Attrs 
0   y      0x00000000 0x00080000 flash blocksize 0x1000 nocache 
1   y      0x10001000 0x10001100 flash blocksize 0x100 nocache 
2   y      0x20000000 0x20010000 rw nocache 

(gdb) dump memory dsd6-flash.bin 0x00000000 0x00080000
(gdb) dump memory d6d6-uicr.bin 0x10001000 0x10001100

For OpenOCD example see