The sketch:

        var wifi=require("wifi");
var ESP8266=require("ESP8266");

wifi.connect("xxx", "xxxx",true);

var ipInfo = wifi.getIP();
print("Current IP address is: " + ESP8266.getAddressAsString(ipInfo.ip));
var hostname="";

var temp=23;
var ApiKey="12345678GYGP1";
function send(){

ESP8266.getHostByName(hostname, function(ipAddress){

  var http = require("http");
    http.get({host:ESP8266.getAddressAsString(ipAddress),port: 80,
              path: "/update?key="+ApiKey+"&field1="+temp},
function(response) {
   print("get callback!");

response.on("data", function(data) {
  print("Data: "+data);
response.on("close", function() {
    print("The response connection closed");



} //functin send

setInterval(function() {
}, 30000);

Error from UART1 - debug port


Dump of socket=264
 - isConnected=1, creationType=SOCKET_CREATED_OUTBOUND, acceptedSockets=[], rxBufLen=0, tx length=0, currentTx=0x1073722280, state=SOCKET_STATE_TRANSMITTING, espconn=0x3fffa948, errorCode=0
< net_ESP8266_BOARD_send
>> sendCB
<< sendCB
>> recvCB for socket=264, length=536
Dump of espconn: 0x3fffa948
 - type = TCP
   - local address    = [21150]
   - remote address   = [80]
 - state=READ, link_cnt=99, reverse=0x3ffefd28
<< recvCB
>> recvCB for socket=264, length=82
Dump of espconn: 0x3fffa948
 - type = TCP
   - local address    = [21150]
   - remote address   = [80]
 - state=READ, link_cnt=99, reverse=0x3ffefd28
<< recvCB
>> disconnectCB
Dump of espconn: 0x3fffa948
 - type = TCP
   - local address    = [21150]
   - remote address   = [80]
 - state=CLOSE, link_cnt=99, reverse=0x3ffefd28
Dump of socket=264
 - isConnected=1, creationType=SOCKET_CREATED_OUTBOUND, acceptedSockets=[], rxBufLen=618, tx length=0, currentTx=0x0, state=SOCKET_STATE_IDLE, espconn=0x3fffa948, errorCode=0
<< disconnectCB
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_closeSocket, socket=264
Dump of socket=264
 - isConnected=0, creationType=SOCKET_CREATED_OUTBOUND, acceptedSockets=[], rxBufLen=0, tx length=0, currentTx=0x0, state=SOCKET_STATE_CLOSING, espconn=0x3fffa948, errorCode=0
> releaseSocket: 264
Dump of socket=264
 - isConnected=0, creationType=SOCKET_CREATED_OUTBOUND, acceptedSockets=[], rxBufLen=0, tx length=0, currentTx=0x0, state=SOCKET_STATE_CLOSING, espconn=0x3fffa948, errorCode=0
 - freeing espconn: 0x3fffa948
< releaseSocket
< net_ESP8266_BOARD_closeSocket
> jswrap_ESP8266_getHostByName
< jswrap_ESP8266_getHostByName
>> dnsFoundCallback - b50d490
<< dnsFoundCallback
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_createSocket: host:, port:80 
 - espconn: 0x3fffa948
Dump of espconn: 0x3fffa948
 - type = TCP
   - local address    = [26649]
   - remote address   = [80]
 - state=WAIT, link_cnt=99, reverse=0x3ffefd28
< net_ESP8266_BOARD_createSocket, socket=265
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64:  - Not connected
>> connectCB_outbound
Dump of espconn: 0x3fffa948
 - type = TCP
   - local address    = [26649]
   - remote address   = [80]
 - state=CONNECT, link_cnt=99, reverse=0x3ffefd28
Dump of socket=265
 - isConnected=0, creationType=SOCKET_CREATED_OUTBOUND, acceptedSockets=[], rxBufLen=0, tx length=0, currentTx=0x0, state=SOCKET_STATE_CONNECTING, espconn=0x3fffa948, errorCode=0
<< connectCB_outbound
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 64: GET /update?key=123455555YGP1&field1=23 HTTP/1.0
Dump of socket=265
 - isConnected=1, creationType=SOCKET_CREATED_OUTBOUND, acceptedSockets=[], rxBufLen=0, tx length=0, currentTx=0x1073722408, state=SOCKET_STATE_TRANSMITTING, espconn=0x3fffa948, errorCode=0
< net_ESP8266_BOARD_send
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  - Currently transmitting
>> sendCB
<< sendCB
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_send: Request to send data to socket 265 of size 62:  Espruino 1v81.722
Connection: close

Dump of socket=265
 - isConnected=1, creationType=SOCKET_CREATED_OUTBOUND, acceptedSockets=[], rxBufLen=0, tx length=0, currentTx=0x1073722280, state=SOCKET_STATE_TRANSMITTING, espconn=0x3fffa948, errorCode=0
< net_ESP8266_BOARD_send
>> sendCB
<< sendCB
>> recvCB for socket=265, length=536
Dump of espconn: 0x3fffa948
 - type = TCP
   - local address    = [26649]
   - remote address   = [80]
 - state=READ, link_cnt=99, reverse=0x3ffefd28
<< recvCB
>> recvCB for socket=265, length=82
Dump of espconn: 0x3fffa948
 - type = TCP
   - local address    = [26649]
   - remote address   = [80]
 - state=READ, link_cnt=99, reverse=0x3ffefd28
<< recvCB
>> disconnectCB
Dump of espconn: 0x3fffa948
 - type = TCP
   - local address    = [26649]
   - remote address   = [80]
 - state=CLOSE, link_cnt=99, reverse=0x3ffefd28
Dump of socket=265
 - isConnected=1, creationType=SOCKET_CREATED_OUTBOUND, acceptedSockets=[], rxBufLen=618, tx length=0, currentTx=0x0, state=SOCKET_STATE_IDLE, espconn=0x3fffa948, errorCode=0
<< disconnectCB
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_closeSocket, socket=265
Dump of socket=265
 - isConnected=0, creationType=SOCKET_CREATED_OUTBOUND, acceptedSockets=[], rxBufLen=0, tx length=0, currentTx=0x0, state=SOCKET_STATE_CLOSING, espconn=0x3fffa948, errorCode=0
> releaseSocket: 265
Dump of socket=265
 - isConnected=0, creationType=SOCKET_CREATED_OUTBOUND, acceptedSockets=[], rxBufLen=0, tx length=0, currentTx=0x0, state=SOCKET_STATE_CLOSING, espconn=0x3fffa948, errorCode=0
 - freeing espconn: 0x3fffa948
< releaseSocket
< net_ESP8266_BOARD_closeSocket
> jswrap_ESP8266_getHostByName
< jswrap_ESP8266_getHostByName
>> dnsFoundCallback - b50d490
<< dnsFoundCallback
> net_ESP8266_BOARD_createSocket: host:, port:80 
 - espconn: 0x3fffa948
Dump of espconn: 0x3fffa948
 - type = TCP
   - local address    = [39083]
   - remote address   = [80]
 - state=WAIT, link_cnt=99, reverse=0x3ffefd28
< net_ESP8266_BOARD_createSocket, socket=266
Fatal exception 0(IllegalInstructionCause):
epc1=0x4010088d, epc2=0x00000000, epc3=0x00000000, excvaddr=0x00000000, depc=0x00000000

 ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)

load 0x40100000, len 31316, room 16 
tail 4
chksum 0xcb
load 0x3ffe8000, len 2124, room 4 
tail 8
chksum 0x44
load 0x3ffe8850, len 29772, room 0 
tail 12
chksum 0xde
csum 0xde

Restart info:
  reason:   2=exception
  exccause: 0
  epc1:     4010088d
  epc2:     0
  epc3:     0
  excvaddr: 0
  depc:     0
Flash map 4MB:512/512, manuf 0xE0 chip 0x4016
Heap: 5792
Variables: 1023 @12ea = 12276bytes
Time sys=301240 rtc=1347213149
mode : softAP(1a:fe:34:fa:35:84)
add if1
dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw:
bcn 100
> initDone
> jshInit
RTC read: 114901 1337384012 0x51b76ebd (0xdeadbeef)
RTC: restore sys=321206 rtc=1347216531
RTC: restored time: 114959 (delta=9832519 cal=5903us)
UStimer init
< jshInit
> jswrap_ESP8266_init
> jswrap_ESP8266WiFi_init
Wifi init, mode=2
< jswrap_ESP8266WiFi_init
< jswrap_ESP8266_init
> jswrap_ESP8266WiFi_init
Wifi init, mode=2
< jswrap_ESP8266WiFi_init
< initDone

Error from Espruino consol

    The response connection closed
{ "free": 726, "usage": 297, "total": 1023, "history": 126 }
ASSERT(var && jsvGetRefs(var)>0 && jsvHasRef(var)) FAILED AT src/jsvar.c:561
  #1[r2,l2] Object {
    #2[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "ÿ"      #3[r1,l2] Object {
        #6[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "net"          #4[r1,l2] String [2 blocks] "\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00ÿÿÿ"
        #9[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "timers"          #11[r2,l1] Array(2) [
            #231[r1,l2] Name Integer 1              #160[r1,l1] Object {
                #162[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "time"                  #236[r1,l1] Integer 29721028
                #227[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "interval"                  #163[r1,l1] Integer 30000000
                #229[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "callback"                  #150[r1,l1] Function {
                    #147[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "ÿcod"                      #149[r1,l1] String [2 blocks] "send();"
        #12[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "watches"          #14[r2,l1] Array(0) [ ]
        #15[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "history"          #19[r1,l1] Array(12) [
            #20[r1,l2] Name Integer 0              #16[r1,l1] String [2 blocks] "echo(0);"
            #22[r1,l2] Name Integer 1              #24[r1,l1] String [4 blocks] "var wifi=require(\"wifi\");"
            #33[r1,l2] Name Integer 2              #36[r1,l1] String [5 blocks] "var ESP8266=require(\"ESP8266\");"
            #47[r1,l2] Name Integer 3              #48[r1,l1] String [6 blocks] "wifi.connect(\"Erni\", \"xxx\",true);"
            #46[r1,l2] Name Integer 4              #58[r1,l1] String [4 blocks] "var ipInfo = wifi.getIP();"
            #76[r1,l2] Name Integer 5              #77[r1,l1] String [10 blocks] "print(\"Current IP address is: \" + ESP8266.getAddressAsString(ipInfo.ip));"
            #74[r1,l2] Name Integer 6              #66[r1,l1] String [5 blocks] "var hostname=\"\";"
            #94[r1,l2] Name Integer 7              #91[r1,l1] String [2 blocks] "var temp=23;"
            #104[r1,l2] Name Integer 8              #98[r1,l1] String [5 blocks] "var ApiKey=\"12225522222GP1\";"
            #144[r1,l2] Name Integer 9              #166[r1,l1] String [61 blocks] "function send(){\n\nESP8266.getHostByName(hostname, function(ipAddress){\n\n  var http = require(\"http\");\n    http.get({host:ESP8266.getAddressAsString(ipAddress),port: 80,\n              path: \"/update?key=\"+ApiKey+\"&field1=\"+temp},\nfunction(response) {\n   print(\"get callback!\");\n\n\nresponse.on(\"data\", function(data) {\n  print(\"Data: \"+data);\n});\n\nresponse.on(\"close\", function() {\n    print(\"The response connection closed\");\nprint(process.memory());\n});\n\n});\n\n});\n\n} //functin send"
            #151[r1,l2] Name Integer 10              #152[r1,l1] String [7 blocks] "setInterval(function() {\n  send();\n\n}, 30000);"
            #161[r1,l2] Name Integer 11              #146[r1,l1] String [2 blocks] "echo(1);"
        #28[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "modules"          #30[r1,l1] Object {
            #21[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "wifi"              #31[r2,l1] ...
            #32[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "ESP8266"              #42[r2,l1] ...
            #285[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "http"              #286[r0,l2] NativeFunction 0x40222b3c (0) { }
        #331[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "HttpCC"          #333[r1,l1] Array(252) [
            #328[r1,l2] Name Integer 251              #322[r1,l2] Object {
                #323[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "__proto__"                  #350[r2,l1] ...
                #326[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "type"= int 1
                #325[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "#onconnect"                  #289[r1,l1] Function {
                    #293[r1,l2] Name Param "response"                       undefined
                    #244[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "ÿcod"                      #296[r1,l1] FlatString [18 blocks] "print(\"get callback!\");\n\n\nresponse.on(\"data\", function(data) {\n  print(\"Data: \"+data);\n});\n\nresponse.on(\"close\", function() {\n    print(\"The response connection closed\");\nprint(process.memory());\n});"
                    #314[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "ÿsco"                      #245[r1,l1] Array(2) [
                        #290[r1,l2] Name Integer 0                          #517[r2,l2] Function {
                            #516[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "return"                              undefined
                        #291[r1,l2] Name Integer 1                          #518[r1,l3] Function {
                            #511[r1,l2] Name Param "ipAddress"                               #519[r2,l2] Integer 189846672
                            #234[r1,l3] Name String [2 blocks] "return"                              undefined
                            #237[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "http"                              #286[r0,l2] ...
                    #316[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "ÿlin"= int 19
                #329[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "res"                  #319[r1,l1] Object {
                    #320[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "__proto__"                      #339[r253,l1] ...
                #330[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "opt"                  #240[r1,l1] Object {
                    #241[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "host"                      #246[r1,l1] String [3 blocks] ""
                    #242[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "port"= int 80
                    #243[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "path"                      #283[r1,l1] String [6 blocks] "/update?key=34433333GP1&field1=23"
                    #317[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "method"                      #315[r1,l1] String [1 blocks] "GET"
                #368[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "dSnd"                  #342[r1,l1] String [17 blocks] "GET /update?key=123456GP1&field1=23 HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: Espruino 1v81.722\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"
                #370[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "sckt"= int 267
    #23[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "wifi"      #31[r2,l1] NativeFunction 0x40222abc (0) { }
    #35[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "ESP8266"      #42[r2,l1] NativeFunction 0x40222acc (0) { }
    #45[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "EventDetails"      undefined
    #57[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "ipInfo"      #63[r1,l1] Object {
        #64[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "__proto__"          undefined
        #67[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "ip"= int 0
        #68[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "netmask"= int 0
        #70[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "gw"= int 0
    #61[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "Restart"      undefined
    #59[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "hostname"      #87[r1,l1] String [3 blocks] ""
    #90[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "temp"= int 23
    #97[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "ApiKey"      #95[r1,l1] String [3 blocks] "123456P1"
    #165[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "send"      #164[r1,l1] Function {
        #143[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "ÿcod"          #105[r1,l1] FlatString [38 blocks] "ESP8266.getHostByName(hostname, function(ipAddress){\n\n  var http = require(\"http\");\n    http.get({host:ESP8266.getAddressAsString(ipAddress),port: 80,\n              path: \"/update?key=\"+ApiKey+\"&field1=\"+temp},\nfunction(response) {\n   print(\"get callback!\");\n\n\nresponse.on(\"data\", function(data) {\n  print(\"Data: \"+data);\n});\n\nresponse.on(\"close\", function() {\n    print(\"The response connection closed\");\nprint(process.memory());\n});\n\n});\n\n});"
        #145[r1,l2] Name String [1 blocks] "ÿlin"= int 16
    #334[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "httpCRs"      #336[r2,l1] NativeFunction 0x40222aec (1) {
        #337[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "prototype"          #339[r253,l1] Object {
            #340[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "constructor"              #336[r2,l2] ...
    #345[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "httpCRq"      #347[r2,l1] NativeFunction 0x40222afc (1) {
        #348[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "prototype"          #350[r2,l1] Object {
            #351[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "constructor"              #347[r2,l2] ...
    #381[r1,l2] Name String [2 blocks] "process"      #353[r1,l1] NativeFunction 0x40222bbc (1) { }
 ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)
load 0x40100000, len 31316, room 16
tail 4
chksum 0xcb
load 0x3ffe8000, len 2124, room 4
tail 8
chksum 0x44
load 0x3ffe8850, len 29772, room 0
tail 12
chksum 0xde
csum 0xde
don't use rtc mem data
 _____                 _
|   __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___
|   __|_ -| . |  _| | | |   | . |
|_____|___|  _|_| |___|_|_|_|___|
 1v81.722 Copyright 2015 G.Williams